

Genesis 15:6 says that Abram believed and God counted it for him as righteousness. However the real test of his commitment to that faith came later by way of sacrifice. Sacrifice is the evidence of faith and commitment. If you claim to be committed to your marriage, your church your ministry, your dream, what is your sacrifice?

God knew that it is easy to say “I do”, “I believe” or “I agree” without having to engage any personal sacrifice, so He sent a day apart for the test of his heart.

When Abram said I believe it was no more than a promise or decision to be patient and to stop complaining and grumbling about his problem of childlessness. There was another level of trust and commitment which could only be tested by sacrifice. Do you believe in your vision, your spouse, your Church, your pastor and his grand vision or his grandiloquent declarations? If so what have you sacrificed to prove it or what are you willing to sacrifice?

Abraham sacrificed Isaac, the very son of promise and the hope of its fulfilment as proof that when he said he believed God’s promise to give him a son and multitudes of descendants, it was not just about the son or descendants but his faith in the person of God; His ability, faithfulness and care. It was undeniable proof that he believed God has power over all things whether living, dead or inanimate and that can bring even the dead back to life. Abraham demonstrated that he believed that even after he sacrificed his son the all-able God would raise him from the dead. It was proof of his faithfulness to that belief and to God. It was proof of his commitment to follow God to the very end regardless of the price.

God says in PSALM 50:5 “gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice”.

God takes personal interest in those whose faith in Him will make them sacrifice anything for His sake. God takes personal delight in those who give up what they have (time, talents and abilities, money, effort, service etc) for His name and for the gospels sake. He loves to reward them dearly:

“So Jesus answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life (Mark 10:29-30).

These to Him are His true disciples.

Do you trust God? Will you follow Him to the very end regardless of the cost or do you have red lines? What is your sacrifice? Whatever you are willing to give up and sacrifice, that is what will determine how you truly see and esteem God.