
Use Your Imagination

Our imagination is very potent and pragmatic. It is the only sensible reality in a beautiful and blessed world filled with unknown and unexpected challenges and obstacles. The only sure way is to use our imagination to take hold of the things we desire and need. Concerning man’s imagination God says:

“There is nothing that they imagine that will be held back from them” (Gen 11:6).

Examples of how we can use our imagination include:

1. Imagine virtual mentors. This means “read, study and learn from others”. You may not have the time or opportunity for a one to one with the person you most desire to understudy and learn from. You may not even have access to him or her physically. But you can have him, her and them to yourself as much as you want virtually by reading their books and listening to their audios. The Bible says study to show yourself approved. If you wait until you meet Jesus face to face before learning from Him the truth that sets free, you would never learn it and would never be free. But you can learn from Him everyday by reading His word. By the way, you must also plan to be a mentor to others by writing and making audios that they too can learn through.

2. Imagine your virtual audience or congregation. This means whatever your ministry is, minister and serve joyfully and with excellence as if you already have before you the large crowd you desire and dream of having. In short, the number should not affect or restrict your own quality. Be joyful and focus on the fact that you have an audience and not on number. Your mini can be more vital to God’s divine plan than another person’s mega.

3. Imagine virtual time. This means that you should set apart for God, and give to Him whatever amount of time and service you would give Him if you had all the time in the world. Whatever amount of time it is that you can imagine and see yourself giving Him under such circumstances, that is the right thing to give Him. Calling things that be not as though they were is the first step in making them be. Begin faithfully and excellently with the time you have now and as God sees your faithfulness He will supply the needed (Phil 4:19, Luke 16:10-12). “Ifs” are no excuse to the God who calls things that be not as though they were.

4. Imagine virtual money. This means that whatever things you can see yourself doing for God if you had all the money you wanted, and did not have to pursue money to meet your needs, begin to do them because that is what God actually expects you to do. The enemy is always trying to frustrate you from doing the right thing to please God. The devil wants to distract you from fulfilling purpose by dragging what is actually yours already away from you and making you spend all the time (time that you should use to rest and serve and please God) pursuing it. You can beat the devil and go past him with the use of your imagination. Seek first the kingdom of God. Put pleasing God first and all other things will He add unto you.

5. Imagine the end virtually.

God sees the end from the beginning. He does not waiver in His determination to achieve it, no matter the limited amount of resources immediately available. Genesis 1:2 says that “the earth was void and without form and darkness was on the face of the deep” when God began to imagine and create. Only a lively and vibrant imagination could have seen light, hope and beautiful creations in such circumstances. If you want to be successful and please God you must also begin at the end by seeing it from the beginning and working with faith and determination to see it manifest physically.

6. Imagine virtual demand. This means that you should imagine a large demand (clients or customers) for your business or service and offer them excellent service and customer care. This excellence is what will gradually attract and draw people to what you offer. For instance if you are a writer, imagine your virtual readers. Do not be frustrated that no one is giving you a look. Do not be frustrated into mediocrity not caring about the quality of what you write, simply because you believe no one is interested anyway. Rather, even if no one seems to be interested, continue to write and write with quality and excellence as if those you earnestly desire to see reading it are not only reading it but also responding positively and testifying that they are being blessed. The truth is that your imagination can give you impetus for anything and the zeal with which you work can draw attention to what you offer.

7. Finally imagine virtual answers and breakthroughs. It is the root of faith. This means that you imagine how you would serve and operate if you did not have the situations, challenges and circumstances that seem to afflict and restrict you. The devil has a hand in bringing these problems your way in order to distract frustrate and incapacitate you. The solution is for you to frustrate the devil by looking past your weaknesses and infirmities, seeing yourself without them and beginning little by little to do what you would be doing if they were not there. God looks at you and sees too much stuff and garbage but looks past them and deals with you as if they were not there. That’s what it means to say you have been justified. Justify yourself too in these matters, despite your circumstances. Live to please God and disappoint the devil.

As Christians, we are holy people (that is, people set apart for God, to serve Him and have fellowship with Him). God has always called His people out of the darkness of the world so that they can “go and worship” Him through building a relationship of reciprocal love, fellowship and giving, with Him. He called out Noah, Abraham and Israel to bless them and build with them, a close, intimate and exclusive relationship. As can be expected, exclusive relationships always attract jealousy from other wishful thinkers and wannabes. The Bible shows us that the devil is the number one wishful dreamer and wannabe:

ISAIAH 14:12 “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, …

14:13 For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north;

14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’

Satan is jealous of God’s relationship with us. Since his failure and expulsion from heaven, his main goal has always been to frustrate the beautiful relationship God is engendering between Himself and man. He does this by throwing obstacles, detours and distractions in man’s way as we seek to put God and His kingdom first (by worshipping or serving Him), to serve our community, to enjoy life more abundantly and to please God with our lives.

Given the wrestlings and warefare we must face daily, the imagination is one great tool and weapon God has given to us for achieving victory, for dwelling in joy and peace, experiencing a successful Christian life and above all building a wonderful relationship with God. Together with the powerful armour made with the material of God’s word, the imagination is a powerful weapon for disappointing and defeating the devil. As a Christian, you can use your blessed imagination to daily rise above the endless limitations of this world and fully live out the spirit life that brings you fulfilment and brings pleasure to God and men.

May the Lord our God sanctify your mind and illuminate your spirit to see beyond the natural limitations of this world and the satanic obstacles and distractions that abound. May He strengthen your will and your inner man to rise up and act on what you see in your imagination, one quality step at a time.

Remain triumphant in the power of God’s hand.

– Peter Osahon